Some of my then favourites I mounted in black hagner sheets. br br TIP Since most people scan Web pages include your best thoughts in your first paragraph. Read more at http hellip What is the value of my stamps. can anyone tell me about it. From the Netherlands. nbsp br Just that it was in my fathers sea journal
A fullset of unperforated Egyptian hellip Click here to write your own. Many thanks what is the value of my king George VI half d green and red stamps my red d stamps my purplebrown d stamp and my orange d stamps all king George VI. The two halfpenny stamps are a different colour green the lighter one hellip I have a Christmas Stamp d and the queens head is in the wrong position moved up to perforation edge nbspNot rated yetbr The stamp was original stuck to a Christmas card envelope in but was never sent in the post. The Kings hellip could u give me any information on this penny post that i found nbspNot rated yetbr we were clearing out my mother inlaws house as she recently died and came across this and wondered if there was any value to it or any information you hellip Do you know the valuehistory of these belgian stamps please nbspNot rated yetbr I have found out the stamps were designed by Herman Verbaere and there is a date on them. hellip Are these stamps of any value nbspNot rated yetbr Are these stamps of any value Hi I have a d England Winners stamp and the hand is missing off the red shirted players left hand nbspNot rated yetbr Hi I have a d England Winners stamp and the hand is missing off the red shirted players left hand Is this stamp of any value nbspNot rated yetbr Hi and thanks in advance My Dad is a stamp collector he has ALOT
How much are stamps from worth nbspNot rated yetbr I have stamps that were made in never been touched and there in good condition. Are they valuable They seem to be WWI era. They are in the original packet that says on the back. hello I have part of an envelope with stamps on it and a stamp from post office dated and is this of any value nbspNot rated yetbr Some are on thin paper with USA centpostage stamp I also have a very small one penny stamp it has a red swan revenue duty on top of the stamp it has hellip Revenue stamp information and value nbspNot rated yetbr its stuck on apprentice papers from the s How i can know price of my stamp nbspNot rated yetbr I just want to know about How i can know price of my stamp I have more stamp from USA and other country. The value on the stamps is d and and hellip what is a king edward VIII stamp on a postcard with on for th birthday worth please nbspNot rated yetbr My daughter was given this on her th birthday by her great aunt who received it on her th birthday what is a king edward VIII stamp on a postcard hellip any idea of value of the attached stamps nbspNot rated yetbr Friend in India has inherited some stamps and is looking to sell ideally abroad. Is this stamp worth anything nbspNot rated yetbr Queen Elizabeth II stamp d unfranked on envelope. Could you please give me an indication of stamps please. nbsp br Hi We have inherited an album full of stamps as well as many more loose stamps. I came across my Japanese hellip What is the best price for these nbspNot rated yetbr They are postcards from to i have them in good conditions Hello. nbspNot rated yetbr stamps were purchased in england in Queen Victoria Penny Reds nbspNot rated yetbr Hi I am trying to find out if my Queen Victoria Penny Reds stamps are worth anything I cant find a match for the stamps that i have at all hellip Victoria and George stamp d value nbspNot rated yetbr I have a Victoria and George stamp un franked and d value. The stamp also has handwritten the letters hellip I would like to know the value of these stamps nbspNot rated yetbr Two blocks of four stamps. Suez stamp nbspNot rated yetbr I bought a small collection of stamps in an old Victorian stamp album all stamps appear to be pre from lots of differnent countries some Ive never hellip Sun football Missprinted stamps nbspNot rated yetbr I have misprinted football stamps from the Sun collection of. Do you have some pictures of the Stamp to add Great Click the button and find the first one on your computer
I had to take hellip Are olympics first day cover stamps worth anything nbspNot rated yetbr Are olympics first day cover stamps worth anything how much is my stamp worth nbspNot rated yetbr daniel webster the Dartmouth collagecase Could you give me any idea if these stamps would be valuable nbspNot rated yetbr I have King George V Silver Jubilee stamps valuations any value Also some of Edward V. nbsp br The stamp is Washington Design A and is either a scott or scott apollo soyuz space test project united states stamp nbsp br Question i want to know how much this stamp is worth Answer Issued July ApolloSoyuz Space Test Project. I have a d English stamp. Also the whole set hellip Click here to write your own. whats a queen elizabeth stamp worth nbspNot rated yetbr queen Elizabeth i have been left a mixed lot of stamps by my uncle they are first day covers and he was gettin a royal wedding album together. That was hellip how much would i get for a d carmine coil nbspNot rated yetbr none ER D queen Elizabeth II onwards nbspNot rated yetbr found a violet ER D stamp. In each corner hellip Click here to write your own. nbspNot rated yetbr I inherited them do any of these stamps have any value nbspNot rated yetbr I inherited them Imperforate King George V i think nbspNot rated yetbr I found these imperforate stamps cant find any background knowledge internet dating tumblr of what speed dating paul pry rayleigh year they are and if they were trial stamps or for circulation. It says and a picture of a globe on it it also says cash val hellip Does a stamp of the Olympics have any value nbspNot rated yetbr Good condition mounted in collecting book together with other stamps including a royal marriage celebration stamp. That is all hellip is khloe kardashian dating matt kemp Can you tell nme if these two unused stamps of King George VI are valuable please How to know if online dating is real nbsp br I think the unused halfpenny and d stamps are King George VI. hellip i can find my stamp value king George v embossed stamp used is green is brown nbsp br My dad gave me a stamp book in the s i can find most of them some come up as rare but stand out to me is brown postage pence and green postage hellip what stamp is this and is it worth anything nbsp br all I know is its Helvetia
Looked on a few lists hellip united states of america stamp value nbspNot rated yetbr stanley gibbon stamp album from my great grand father please stamp value china stamp sun yat sen value nbspNot rated yetbr china stamp years old from my great grand father stanley gibbon stamp album value george v penny lilac nbspNot rated yetbr stanley gibbons delete dating site account stamp album from my great grand father may i know hook up grand forks value of stamp Hungarian olympic stamps nbspNot rated yetbr runners on front says magvar posta ft two others one gymnastics one swimming all used stamps I HAVE A SUBSTANTIAL QUANTITY OF KING GEORGE V STAMPS ON OLD LETTERS. Is it worth anything nbspNot rated yetbr I have had a look on the internet but I cannot find an example of this variation. There are a few different Stamp booklets issued in this year hellip Victoria two pence franked Victoria in black stamp purple nbspNot rated yetbr Victoria two pence franked Victoria in black stamp purple Stamps Value Old king George V half penny nbspNot rated yetbr I cannot find any picture of a similar stamp anywhere. what is this stamp worth nbspNot rated yetbr postage and inland revenue one penny stamp lilac purple colour do u know how much stamp worth nbspNot rated yetbr half penny stamp with the words in a round circule inland revenue righting on stamp pd dec I have an envelope with a george th stamp dated free dating site united state sept nbspNot rated yetbr no other info Id be grateful if you could tell me anything about this stamp and its value. Please value my stamps nbspNot rated yetbr Hi Ive got a few stamps from the UK that i would like to be valued see the attached picture none of them have been used i guess you would say theyre hellip penny red a cpl dozen i found them s. nbspNot rated yetbr Know nothing bout it. I inherited them from a relative. coronation of Queen Elizabeth the nd cover by British Philatelic Association
Click here to write your own. Is this of any value nbspNot rated yetbr used stamp from england value of half penny stamp april nbspNot rated yetbr stellenbosch stamp colour green looks like new on post card Queen Victoria penny blue British its value nbspNot rated yetbr I have a queen Victoria penny blue stamp whats it worth Hi do you know if these stamps are worth anything Thank you nbspNot rated yetbr They look like they havent been used Found this stamp in an old sewing box does it have any value nbspNot rated yetbr I know no information on the stamp it is not mint though. wat is never used envelope with engraved lincoln cent stamp worth nbspNot rated yetbr Envelope never written. Was going to through a box of old items out but found this. hellip Old New Zealand stamp whats it worth nbsp br My mother labelled this as SG but I cant find it online anywhere
Queen Elizabeth II nbspNot rated yetbr How much the stamp value for this edition Could you please tell me where my stamps are from and maybe the value and number if poss. The more information you have the easier it will be to find the value of old postage stampsI have silver wedding p unused stamps which have a perforation shift. The values are hellip Value of these apparent FDC nbspNot rated yetbr Mom collected stamps I ended up with the collection. Thanks any value this stamp nbspNot rated yetbr two friends dating 40 days found amongst a load of old stamps Rare stamp nbspNot rated yetbr One site have been in says this is a rare stamp. This is just one page from the pages containing UK hellip I have penny red stamps all attached to old birth cents nbspNot rated yetbr I have the original birth certificates who are all family members dating back to th century but that is all I know Silver wedding GB nbspNot rated yetbr Want to know current value leeward island nbspNot rated yetbr hi this stamp is mint with gum but has the centre missing is this stamp rare and does it have any value thanks Craig. Stanley and affiliate dating l livingstone stamps be worth please queens head missing nbsp br My bought pairs in Are these stamps from queen Victoria times worth anything nbsp br i have one penny stamps with Queen Victoria Head from about Found amongst photos is it worth selling on nbsp br Not sure of its origin. nbspNot rated yetbr Stamps issued by Russia best matchmaking nyc in the late century and Canadian stamp of the late The violet victorian one p stamp is obscured by the stamp does it still have value. is there a sale value please nbspNot rated yetbr I know these are from due to the post marking. All Tired of dating quotes include letters inside the envelope date circa Are these stamps of historical interest and have a subsequent value nbspNot rated yetbr I inherited lots of old stamps. nbspNot rated yetbr Queen Victoria Shillings with anchor watermark
Please hellip what is the value Best free australian dating app of my stamps nbspNot rated yetbr A lot of south africa stamps I would like to know the dating your hummels value of my King Edward VII Half Penny Green Stamp nbspNot rated yetbr King Edward VII Half Penny Stamp UnusedUnmarked and never been posted Approximate Value Concorde Stamps nbspNot rated yetbr first day issue sheets of CONCORDE stamps each sheet. she has other stamps hookup salomon from overseas from hellip What is the value of a united states postage cent washington stamp nbspNot rated yetbr The stamp is red have any of these stamps value thankyou nbspNot rated yetbr Can you help with the value of any of these stamps king george six pence stamp issued in ireland nbspNot rated yetbr stamp was on deeds for a grave Selling a collection nbspNot rated yetbr I have a comprehensive collection of British postage stamps from Queen Victoria up to ca. Can you please tell me whether this example of a penny red may be worth selling nbsp br I know nothing about this other than the info enclosed on the envelope which is minimal. what is the value of a olympic munich postage stamp nbspNot rated yetbr it is an Olympic munic postage stamp. back in
I have England World Cup stamps un used in superb condition how much are they worth nbsp br Information as above red d franked stamp nbsp br stamped in Hampstead heath at. Entering your Question is easy to do. My last one fell to bits. My email address is rianmaxm I HAVE BLOCKS OF PENNY REDS Q E UNMOUNTED MINT CONDITION HAS ANYONE GOT ANY IDEA OF A VALUE PLEASE